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Generally, roads in Ukraine outside major urban areas are in poor condition and are poorly lighted. Visitors should drive defensively at all times, since local drivers often disregard traffic rules. Drivers are often poorly trained or drive without a valid driver's license. Drivers can also be dangerously aggressive and normally do not respect the rights of pedestrians, even at clearly marked pedestrian crossings. Pedestrians should also be aware of cars driving or attempting to park on sidewalks. Many cars have very low safety standards. 

Due to heavy traffic and congested roads, vehicle accidents happen often larger Ukrainian cities, especially in Kyiv. In Ukraine, it is mandatory for motorists involved in vehicle accidents not to remove the vehicle from the site of the accident, unless it presents a clear safety concern. In practice, this means that even moving a vehicle to the side of the road after an accident may be considered a criminal offense. Local police must be notified and will report to the scene to conduct an investigation. You must wait until the police arrive and complete their report, no matter how long it takes. When police arrive, they will ascertain responsibility, take the drivers’ personal information, and file a report of the accident. In most cases, the police reporting to the scene of an accident will not speak English.

Cross-country travel at night and in winter can be particularly dangerous. Major roads are drivable during daylight hours. Roadside services such as gas stations and repair facilities are becoming more common, but are far from modern standards and travelers should plan accordingly. Western-made or foreign-registered cars have been hijacked. 

Visitors may arrange to rent cars at only a few major hotels in Odessa and Kiev; in the smaller cities, expect no more than a few car rental agencies. Motorists must have an International Driving Permit in order to rent. Traffic keeps to the right, and cars with right-hand drive are prohibited.

Source: US Department of State