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Tipping is a new concept in Ukraine. As more Western tourists and business travelers visit, the practice is becoming more widespread, but there is still less tipping in Ukraine than in Western Europe. However, if you are in a nice restaurant in Kyiv, expect to offer a 15 percent tip. Quite often, a service charge is added to the bill. This is also true for taxi fare.

The official currency in Ukraine is the hryvnia (UAH); it is divided into 100 kopiyok. Euros and US dollars are also widely accepted. 

Tipping Guide

Setting Gratuities
Transportation Negotiate taxi fares ahead of time. If you wish, when you pay, you may round up the fare or offer some change in addition.
Hotels Tip porters UAH 8 per bag.
Restaurants, Bars, Cafés The customary range for restaurant tipping is 5–15 percent of the bill. Nicer restaurants fall in the higher end of this range. In all establishments, the expectation is that better service earns a better tip.


Terms for Payment and Tipping

The official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian. Russian is also widely spoken and has recently been made an official language of some regions. Terms in Ukrainian and Russian that you might encounter and find useful for point-of-payment situations are below.

English Ukrainian English Transliteration Phonetic Pronunciation
The bill, please. Рахунок, будь ласка. Rakhunok, budʹ laska. Rah-hoo-nok, bood lass-kah.
How much is this? Скільки це коштує? Skilky tse koshtuye? Skil-kee tse kosh-tu-ye?
Is service included? Чи послуги включені? Chy posluhy vklu-cheni? Chy pos-lu-hy v-klyu-che-ni?
Money Гроші Hroshi Hroh-shee
Yes Так Tak Tahk
No Ні Ni Nee
Please Будь ласка Bud' laska bood lass-kah
Thank you Дякую Dyakuyu Dyah-koo-yu